Track Information
Our tracks offer a wide variety of driving challenges. With three tracks designed and built in the 1960’s, one built in 1993, and one built in 2007, you can test your driving skills across decades of track designs.

- Also called the Hillclimb
- Built by American Raceway out of Beverly Hills, CA
- Built date in the 1960’s
- Lane length average 135 feet
- Lane spacing – 4 inches
- It has 25 sections

Figure 8
- Built by Steve Ogilvie Custom Tracks out of Ontario, Canada
- Delivered new in September 1993
- Track #257
- Brought by Richard Payne for Modelville Hobby at 58 Union St. Ashland, MA
- Designed after the Figure Eight that Dick Cafarelli made from an American Red called “LeMans”.
- Footprint 19ft x 38ft
- Orange lane is 89/7, Red 89/10.5
- Lane spacing– 4 inches
- It has 18 sections marked on the track
- Charcoal Gray epoxy surface (resurface in 2010 by Gary Greding)
- SRT- Computer systems for running races and selling track time
- The bank is angled at 30 degrees
- The donut is angled at 15 degrees

- Built by Gary Gerding Fast Tracks of Nebraska
- Built on April 13, 2007 for Kasper, WY.
- Track #G7
- Footprint ~22 ft by 40 ft
- Orange lane 155/3 by Gary Gerding
- Lane spacing — 4-7/16 inches
- It has 31 sections marked on the track
- Black epoxy surface
- SRT- Computer systems for running races and selling track time
- The bank is angled at 25 degrees
- The finger is angled at 15 degrees
- The deadman is angled at 10 degrees
- The donut is angled at 10 degrees
- The lead-on is angled at 15 degrees

- Black- Model 95
- Built by American Raceway out of Beverly Hills, CA
- Built date 1962
- Footprint 18 ft x 30 ft
- Orange lane is 88/2
- Lane spacing – 4 inches
- It has 26 sections marked on the track
- Braided with magnetic braid
- SRT- Computer systems for running races and selling track time

- Also called the Purple Mile
- Built by American Raceway our of Beverly Hills, CA
- Built date June 21, 1965
- Footprint 24ft x 63 ft
- Orange lane is 213/6
- Lane spacing – 4 inches
- It has 33 sections marked on the track
- SRT- Computer systems for running races and selling track time
- The bank is angled at 56 degrees
- The deadman is angled at 5 degrees
- The outer fingers are angled at 18 degrees
- The second deadman is angled at 8 degrees
- The right turn under bridge is angled at 5 degrees
- The donut is angled at 0 degrees
- The lead-on is angled at 0 degrees
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